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Rewilding and releasing

We have been releasing many different species in the past, from caracals, servals, meerkats, warthogs, antelope, to different bird species. A few cheetahs that have been bred and raised by us as well as trained to hunt and survive in the wild, have been released onto large protected reserves.

Release FEBRUAY 2018 - female cheetah "XANIE"

In March 2018, a female cheetah named Xanie, daughter of our cheetah Shadow, has been released onto the 10 000 hectare Nambiti Private Game Reserve, in KZN, South Africa. We have bred her, raised her as well as helped this amazing cheetah to develop her hunting skills to perfection and therefore we are extremely happy and proud!


She has adapted very well to her new home. She has always been a great huntress and made many successful hunts during our well developed hunting training program. She went through a rewilding stage when she was soft released in a 1000 hectare predator-free reserve prior to her final release in the Nambiti Private Game Reserve. 

Release 2018 May - female cheetah "Khanya"

Shadow's very first litter from 6 years ago produced 4 beautiful females, of which one is Yakira and then 3 more sisters Zoe, Zara and Zena.

They were bred and raised by our team from Running Wild. Yakira had to be hand-raised due to her leg injuries sustained as a cub, but the 3 sisters stayed longer with mother. They were raised semi-wild by us. The one sister (name was recently changed to Khanya) has been soft released last year onto a 1000 hectare reserve in February 2017 to proceed with her rewilding stages.


In November 2017 she gave birth to two beautiful cubs named Bala and Mnandi. Mnandi was named after her grandmother, Shadow's mother, who died years ago but also spent most of her life in Nambiti Game Reserve.


These cubs are now 6-7months old, (Date May 2018). They have now been released with their mother, permanently onto the 10 000 hectare Nambiti, the same reserve where Shadow's other daugter Xanie, has been released onto in March 2018.


We wish this beautiful little family a wonderful but safe life, and may they be protected from all dangers out there. 

Shadow has now produced 17 cubs and so far also 2 grandchildren! So proud of Shadow as well as Khanya, Shadow's very first daughter bred and raised by us!

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